Carson Cooman
Text Micah 6:8
Voicing SATB, a cappella
Lectionary usage Epiphany 4A
Topics Christian Life, Humility, Justice, Love (of others)
Price $2.25 (U.S.)
Length 3' 00" Released 1/19
Catalog no. 410-532
Difficulty Mod. difficult
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This unaccompanied anthem was written for the installation of Lawrence S. Bacow as the 29th president of Harvard University. President Bacow chose as the text one of his favorite verses of scripture, the familiar words of Micah 6:8. Cooman's fervent and expressive setting highlights the threefold aspect of the text: “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.”

Anthem text
You have been told, O mortal,
what is good, and what is required of you:
to do justice, to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God.
--Micah 6:8 |